Thursday, 2 August 2012

Russia at risk from counterfeit electronic components too

The Analytical Centre of Modern Electronics under instruction from the Association of Suppliers of Electronic Components completed research in the first quarter of this year on the Russian market for electronic components. The main research results were presented within the framework of the “New Electronics-2012” business program exhibition in Moscow on April 19, 2012, but the investigation is also presented as a report . (If you want to read it and are not part of the association you will have to part with €1100). One interesting fact was that the Russian electronic components market increased by 25% in 2011 with growth of 9.5% is expected in 2012 as well.

With this postive market news one also has to think about the dangers of counterfeits. Counterfeit components are an issue in all countries, and Russia is no exception. Readers of this blog may recall that Counterfeit components were suspected cause for failure of Russian space probe sent to Mars in December 2011. It can be argued that counterfeit components hurt the Russian electronics market more significantly than other countries. This is because the majority of the Russian electronic equipment manufacturers produce complex equipment in small batches on a contract basis, and obtain components on the open market.

More information can be found at EBN Online.


  1. How are Electronic Components are being counterfeited..? Where can i read more.....

  2. There are many ways components are being counterfeited. The industry already legitimately uses dummy chips instead of risking expensive components when they trial a new product manufacture on their PCB lines. When they have all the parameters of the manufacturing process setup correctly then they use the real components. These dummy chips contain no die but externally have the same foot print as the real component. Some persons simply put a label on the dummy chip to make it look like a genuine chip. Some persons taking existing lower priced chips and also relable them so that they appear like a more expensive chip. Then there is ewaste and recyling of components. Send us an email with your address and we'll send you a DVD ROM giving more information.
